Leading Dentists

An Update on Aesthetic Bonded Posterior Restorations: Mastering Direct, Semi-direct and Indirect Techniques

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Course Description


Be inspired by among the world’s finest dental clinician and the father of biomometic dentistry, Pascal Magne.

In this course you will acquire the knowledge and manual skills, which will make your posterior restorations less invasive, more predictable, aesthetic and longer laster than traditional restorations. Return to your practice with more confidence, gain higher case acceptance with the highest patient satisfaction and raise the quality as well as the reputation of your practice to the next level.


80% of your daily work is posterior restorations. More and more patients demand tooth colored and minimally invasive treatment options. Increase your manual and verbal skills with state-of-the-art adhesive posterior concepts for direct, semi-direct and indirect techniques in both composite and ceramics.

We have entered the “post amalgam” / “post full crown” era. This course will present the foundations of this evolution based on scientific evidence and clinical experience. Achieve restorations with natural properties, amazing mechanical strength, function and aesthetics; the outcome of this course.


• Preparation design: principles of tooth preparation for bonded restorations.
• Advantages of bonded restorations over traditional approaches.
• Predictable handling of “tooth structure like” materials, such as composite resins and porcelain.
• Important details for the use of enamel and dentin bonding techniques.
• Dentin bonding protocol: rationale for immediate dentin sealing.
• Direct, semi-direct and indirect techniques in composite and ceramics, including CAD/CAM
• Decision making skills.
• Patient communication skills.
• Raise your restorative treatment to the highest level.

August 9th : Lecture Program

Reasons to attend this course

This comprehensive lecture program is for all practitioners wishing to upgrade their understanding in posterior bonded restorations using direct, semi-(in) direct and indirect techniques.

The growing demand of patients for aesthetic or metal-free restorations, together with the ongoing interest of the dental profession for tissue-preserving materials have led to the development of posterior adhesive restorations. It is now clearly established that a new biomimetic approach to restorative dentistry is possible through the structured use of “tooth-like” restorative materials, such as composite resins and porcelain and the use of hard tissue bond, such as enamel and dentin bonding. Scientific studies and clinical evidence have validated the use of bonded tooth-coloured restorations. We have entered the “post-amalgam era”. This lecture will present the foundations of this evolution, new updated research and techniques and much more.

Mimic natural beauty and morphology

The course will review materials and step by step procedure in direct and indirect bonding, tooth preparation and luting procedure including CAD/CAM techniques in the posterior dentition.

August 10th & 11th : Hands On Course

This course will be an intense hands-on experience for all practitioners wishing to upgrade their skills in posterior bonded restorations using direct, semi-(in) direct and indirect techniques.

Discover the bonded approach to posterior restorations

What to expect:

Based on maximum tissue preservation and the “biomimetic principle” (biomechanics) a model for the optimal use of current restorative systems will be presented using scientific evidence and clinical experience.

Course Outline

• Fabrication of direct, semi-direct and indirect CAD/CAM restorations.
• Advantages of bonded restorations over traditional approaches.
• The biomimetic principle.
• Dentin bonding protocol: rationale for an immediate dentin sealing protocol.
• Preparation design; Principles of tooth preparation for bonded restorations.
• Luting procedures for bonded restorations.
• All about composite restorations and layering techniques.
• Preparation and fabrication of class II, and onlay restorations.

Hands-On Workshop Courses

Dr. Pascal Magne

Session 3: Semi-Direct and Indirect Approaches

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Dr. Galip Gurel

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Dr. Pascal Magne

PREDICTABLE “START TO FINISH” BIOMIMETIC DENTISTRY IN THE ANTERIOR DENTITION: From chemical treatments, to fragment reattachment, direct, semi-(in)direct and indirect restorations.

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