Leading Dentists

There Are Cracks....And there Are Cracks - But What Is A Crack and What Do I Do About A Crack?

Course Info

  • CPD Points:
    ADA CERP ( 2.00 points)
    ADA CERP ( 1.75 points)
  • Speaker: Prof. Paul Abbott
  • Location: Study Clubs
  • Date: Mar 9th at 7:00 PM*
    * This date / time will vary depending on your local Study Club.

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“Cracked teeth” is one of the most widely debated and disputed topics in dentistry. It is also one of the most misunderstood topics in dentistry. The confusion and misunderstandings stem largely
from early work on cracks and the lack of a good definition of a crack in a tooth. Many dentists are confused about cracks and fractures, and they use these terms interchangeably even though they represent different problems in the tooth. The confusion and misunderstanding also stem from the traditional approach to dealing with cracks in teeth which has largely been a mechanical
approach. Whilst cracks do represent a weakness in the tooth structure, they are also a pathway for bacteria to enter the tooth and cause pulp disease. The symptoms associated with cracks in
teeth come from the pulp and therefore it is essential to diagnose the pulp status and then to manage the bacterial aspect of cracks rather than just dealing with them as a mechanical problem. This lecture will define cracks, explore the effects of cracks on teeth and provide guidelines for the diagnosis and management of teeth with cracks – especially teeth that have reversible pulpitis, which can be managed conservatively.

Learning Objectives That Will Be Explained In This Program Include:

  • Define cracks and fractures and differentiate between them
  • Understand that cracks are an aetiology of various diseases, and not a disease or a syndrome
  • Outline the consequences of cracks in teeth
  • Discuss the progression of the pulp and peri-radicular conditions caused by cracks
  • Outline how to diagnose and assess cracks in teeth
  • Manage teeth with reversible pulpitis in a conservative manner

Prof. Paul Abbott

Prof. Paul Abbott

Prof. Paul Abbott is the Winthrop Professor of Clinical Dentistry at The University of Western Australia. The Specialist Endodontist currently works in private practice on a part-time basis. Prior to taking a full-time University position in 2002, he spent 17 ...

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