Leading Dentists

Dr. Roberto Turrini

Dr. Roberto Turrini

Dr. Roberto Turrini graduated in Dentistry at the University of Florence in 2004. Since 2005 he has been working as a collaborator in Dr. Mauro Fradeani’s clinic in Pesaro, Italy. He has attended several courses in Italy and abroad on prosthodontics, implantology and esthetic dentistry and he has followed Dr. Fradeani’s annual program on fixed prosthodontics. Author of several scientific articles published in Italian and international magazines, he is co-author with Dr. Enrico Cogo and Dr. Pietro Sibilla of a text on dental bleaching, published by Quintessence International in 2011 (“Dental bleaching: methods for success”), translated in German and Spanish and presently in translation into other languages. He lectures nationally and internationally on topics related prosthodontics and aesthetic dentistry. He works in Pesaro and he focuses his professional activity on restorative, endodontics and prosthodontics with particular interest in aesthetic dentistry.

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Lectures and Events

To Bleach or Not to Bleach: All the Modern Techniques of Dental Bleaching in Association with Prosthetic Treatments

To Bleach or Not to Bleach: All the Modern Techniques of Dental Bleaching in Association with Prosthetic Treatments

To Bleach or Not to Bleach: All the Modern Techniques of Dental Bleaching in Association with Prosthetic Treatments (Online Course)

Course Outline Nowadays covering tooth discoloration may represent a challenge for the clinician especially when facing quite severe discoloured areas. Currently, thanks to the extremely predictable techniques and versatile products ...

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To Bleach or Not to Bleach: All the Modern Techniques of Dental Bleaching in Association with Prosthetic Treatments

To Bleach or Not to Bleach: All the Modern Techniques of Dental Bleaching in Association with Prosthetic Treatments

To Bleach or Not to Bleach: All the Modern Techniques of Dental Bleaching in Association with Prosthetic Treatments (Online Course)

Nowadays covering tooth discoloration may represent a challenge for the clinician especially when facing quite severe discoloured areas. Currently, thanks to the extremely predictable techniques and versatile products related to ...

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Articles by Dr. Roberto Turrini

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