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Course Description


StyleItaliano is a worldwide movement centred on simplifying the creation of beautiful composite restorations. Rather than focusing on complicated layering techniques and multiple colours, the StyleItaliano philosophy involves using simple recipes of just two shades to create beautiful, in both the anterior and posterior dentitions which can be reproduced by dentists at all skill levels. The main objective of the hands-on component of the course is to illustrate the properties and use of composite materials in today’s contemporary restorative dentistry concepts. Step-by-step procedures of the most recent techniques used in conservative restorations of the vital and non-vital teeth will also be reviewed. In this 3 day comprehensive hands on course, the founder of the world wide popular “StyleItaliano”, Angelo Putiagnano, will teach participants at any skill level, to create the most beautiful composite restorations in clinical practice. For the first time, this course teaches participants to manage multiple case scenarios in both anterior and posterior restorations, including direct and indirect restorations. This course is one of the most extensive composite hands on course offered today and one of a kind by StyleItaliano

The presentation will discuss the fundamentals required to accomplish a pleasing, functional and long lasting esthetic outcome: treatment plan, team collaboration, understanding of the patient’s needs and selection of restorative materials. A myriad of factors affect the esthetic and functional outcome of complex cases. Properly addressing those factors will facilitate the achievement of a predictable and successful prosthetic rehabilitation. Among others, factors that will significantly improve the functional and esthetic outcome include: proper preoperative esthetic and functional analysis, correct data transmission to the laboratory regarding the occlusal plane orientation and inclination, and definition of an appropriate incisal edge position. A close collaboration is also needed between the surgeon and the restorative dentist both for treating natural dentition or dental implants, especially in the anterior area in challenging clinical situations such as patients with a high smile line. Material selection plays a fundamental role in management of complex rehabilitation cases. This presentation will also illustrate how to select and optimize the use of metal-free ceramic materials even in full-mouth rehabilitations. Nowadays an innovative operative protocol allows to face highly compromised clinical situations, with a minimally invasive prosthetic procedure (MIPP) that guarantees an excellent, long lasting esthetic result and a better acceptance of the treatment by the patient.

DAY 1 (October 26th)

Style Italiano Hands on Course: Hands-on for the Described Anterior and Posterior Direct Techniques
Angelo Putignano

9.00am Start
• The “my shade guide” following vita shade live fabrication (only
• The mock-up with and without wax up.
• Layering technique of anterior teeth.
• Following Style Italiano recipes.
• Opalescence, intensives and characterizations. (Including incisal halos, chromatic spots, fissures and crack/craze lines).
• Finishing texture and polishing.
10.30-11.00am Break
11:00am-1pm Hands-on Exercise

• Preparation of class 4 cavity.
• Build-up of class 4 restoration.
• Incorporation of opalescence, intensives and characterisations surface.
• Polishing.
• Finishiing.
1.00-2.00pm Lunch

• Bulk filling.
• Bulk and Stains.
• Simultaneous modelling technique (bulk and body).
• Posterior direct restorations techniques for:
- Class 1 and Class 2 cavities.
• Contact point and emergence profile in class 2 restorations.
• Staining and characterisation.
• Finishing and polishing procedures
3.30-4.00pm Break
4.00-6.00pm Hands On Exercise

• Prep and restore Class 2 posterior restorations with use of
sectional matrix/circumferential matrix and different

DAY 2 (October 27th)

Style Italiano Lecture
Angelo Putignano

StyleItaliano is a worldwide movement centred on simplifying the creation of beautiful composite restorations. Rather than focusing on complicated layering techniques and multiple colours, the StyleItaliano philosophy involves using simple recipes of just two shades to create beautiful, in both the anterior and posterior dentitions which can be reproduced by dentists at all skill levels. The main objective of the hands-on component of the course is to illustrate the properties and use of composite materials in today’s contemporary restorative dentistry concepts. Step-by-step procedures of the most recent techniques used in conservative restorations of the vital and non-vital teeth will also be
reviewed. In this 3 day comprehensive hands on course, the founder of the world wide popular “StyleItaliano”, Angelo Putiagnano, will teach participants at any skill level, to create the most beautiful composite restorations in clinical practice. For the first time, this course teaches participants to manage multiple case scenarios in both anterior and posterior restorations, including direct and indirect restorations. This course is one of the most extensive composite hands on course offered today and one of a kind by StyleItaliano.


• Aesthetic concepts.
• Styleitaliano philosophy.
• Colour parameters.
• Shade selection.
• Layering:
- Two-layers vs multi-layers.
- Characterisations.
• Finishing.
• Polishing.
• Cavity preparation.
• Adhesion and post-op sensitivity.
• Shrinkage.
• C factor.
• Contact point and emergence profile.
• Anatomical layering.
• Finishing and polishing.
• Restoration of endodontically

DAY 3 (October 28th)

The Esthetic and Functional Rehabilitation: Tradition vs. innovation — New protocols and innovative procedures
Mauro Fradeani

The presentation will discuss the fundamentals required to accomplish a pleasing, functional and long lasting esthetic outcome: treatment plan, team collaboration, understanding of the patient’s needs and selection of restorative materials. A myriad of factors affect the esthetic and functional outcome of complex cases. Properly addressing those factors will facilitate the achievement of a predictable and successful prosthetic rehabilitation. Among others, factors that will significantly improve the functional and esthetic outcome include: proper preoperative esthetic and functional analysis, correct data transmission to the laboratory regarding the occlusal plane orientation and inclination, and definition of an appropriate incisal edge position. A close collaboration is also needed between the surgeon and the restorative dentist both for treating natural dentition or dental implants, especially in the anterior area in challenging clinical situations such as patients with a high smile line.
Material selection plays a fundamental role in management of complex rehabilitation cases. This presentation will also illustrate how to select and optimize the use of metal-free ceramic materials even in full-mouth rehabilitations. Nowadays an innovative operative protocol allows to face highly compromised clinical situations, with a minimally invasive prosthetic procedure (MIPP) that guarantees an excellent, long lasting esthetic result and a better acceptance of the treatment by the patient.

• Esthetic analysis:
- Facial analysis
- Dentolabial analysis
- Phonetic analysis
- Dental analysis
- Gingival analysis
- Aesthetic checklist
- Direct and indirect mock-up
• Functional analysis:
- Occlusal relationships (MI – CO – CR)
- Vertical dimension
- Anterior guidance
- Parafunctional activities
- Facebow taking
- Occlusal records
- Mounting on the articulator
• Laboratory checklist:
- How to properly fill in the laboratory checklist for an efficient communication with the dental laboratory
- Esthetic information
- Functional information
• Management of soft tissues on natural dentition and implants
- Aesthetic and biological integration on natural dentition
- Aesthetic and biological integration on natural implants
• All-ceramics - ceramic crowns
- Indications, possibilities and limitations
- Clinical parameters for long-term success
- Glass-ceramics: Empress, E.max
- Zirconia-based ceramics: Cercon, Lava, Procera
- Cementation techniques: conventional cements, adhesive cements
- 29-year clinical follow-up with different ceramic materials
• Ceramic partial restorations
- Veneers
- Full veneers
- Onlays – Overlays
- Table tops
- MIPP technique

DAY 4 (October 29th)

A step-by-step approach on treatment plan: the operative sequence for a successful rehabilitation
Mauro Fradeani

An evaluation of the patient’s expectations and understanding of the possible therapeutic solutions is crucial before embarking upon any treatment plan. The ideal treatment plan must be drawn up following careful esthetic, functional and structural analysis and with the aid of radiographic examinations and stone casts mounted on the articulator by means of correct use of the facebow and bite registrations.
Fabricating the provisional restoration by the MIT technique, aside from ensuring a correct fit in the overall cavity, will give the clinician the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness and the validity of the variations made, making it possible to achieve adequate esthetic-functional integration. An ideal treatment plan can often be created only by recourse to a team effort involving the concerted action of various specialists. The help of the orthodontist, the endodontist, the periodontist, the implant clinician, the oral and maxillofacial surgeon and the the dental technician is often a determining factor, along with the contributions of the auxiliary staff, in the successful outcome of the most complex prosthetic cases.

• Proper pre-operative evaluation
- Esthetic analysis
- Functional and occlusal analysis
• Correct and adequate data transfer to the laboratory
• How to guide the technician in the fabrication of the wax-up
• From the wax-up to the mock-up
• The role of the mock-up in the full-mouth rehabilitation
• From the mock-up and provisional to the final restoration
• From the provisional restoration to the definitive prosthesis: data transfer
- Protrusive – interocclusal records – facebow
- Occlusal registrations - rehabilitation of 1 arch
- Occlusal registrations - rehabilitation of 2 arches
• Producing and finalizing the prosthetic rehabilitation
- Cross-mounting technique – single arch rehabilitation
- Cross-mounting technique – two arches rehabilitation
- Customized anterior guidance
- Silicone indices
- Preventive simulation (PS)
• Video demonstration on :
- Bite records for:
- CR registration - different techniques:
- Bimanual manipulation
- Lucia Jig
- Leaf gauge
- Anterior deprogramming
- Protrusive registration
- Facebow taking
- How to avoid any mistake when using the facebow
• MIPP Technique:
- New trends in restorative dentistry
- Principles and advantages
- How to obtain an excellent esthetic result

Hands-On Workshop Courses

Dr Inaki Gamborena

Evolution: The course. New Soft Tissue Grafting and Prosthetic Protocols For the Aesthetic Zone

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Dr. Pascal Magne

The Complete Guide to Biomimetic Posterior Restorations

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Dr. Angelo Putignano

Style Italiano Advanced: The Complete Composite Course

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